
Stone Hawk Rehabilitation: Natural cure to a unnatural problem

We've all seen the movies where they lock up the drug addicts. They tie them down and shoot them up with more drugs to get them off of the drugs they are addicted to. All it does is screw them up and they relapse within months of getting out.

That's not the way it works at Stone Hawk Narconon Drug Rehab program.
The drug rehab program at Narconon Stone Hawk instead uses a combination of proper nutrition and nutritional supplementation to help eliminate drug addiction and alcoholism. This program is not psychiatric, nor is it medical. Success is achieved through social education, which leads to a higher rate of drug rehabilitation success.

Using the proper nutrition and supplementation, they can then reset the bodies receptors that "need" the drug that they are addicted to. They no longer need to have that dirty little secret and can go about living their lives as a rehabilitated drug addict.

Sure, they still have to battle the demons every day, but they don't relapse nearly as often and it's a much more natural method to eliminating the need for the addiction.

This has been a paid post through the payperpost program.

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