
Blog Review: Payday Loan Lowdown

Payday loans are generally a thing you want to avoid. While there may be some very extreme situation where they could serve a use, they are very, very few and far between.

Payday loans' rates can be completely outrageous. Unless you have absolutely no other option but to use one, avoid them. In 9 out of 10 cases, they will hurt your situation in the long run even though they seem like a quick fix now.

That all being said, if you want some low down information on payday loans, what better place than a payday loan blog? PayDay Loan Lowdown has plenty of great articles on Payday loans. They cover both the positive and the negative side of the PayDay Loan coin and really lay out a lot of information for you to read and digest.

The blog has been around since May of last year and has kept going strong. Their writing is decent but borders on extremely dry at times. Of course, their topic probably doesn't help with that at all. The blog design was a little hard on my eyes. Of course, being a blogger blog like this one, I know there aren't much to select from as far as templates go. But design is one of the most important parts of the equation in getting and keeping readers.

Again, try to avoid PayDay Loans, but if you must, educate yourself first. And in educating yourself, make a stop at PayDay Loan Lowdown. It shouldn't be your only source of information, but it certainly can be one of them.

this has been a paid review through the payperpost program.

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