
Lapband by Journey Lite

If you are overweight, and there are a very high percentage of people that are, maybe a lapband is what will help. Lapband is essentially a weight loss surgerywhere they cut you open and put an adjustable "band" around your stomach that cuts the capacity of the stomach down. A forced diet if you will.

For some with weak wills that cannot diet on their own, or fall off of the diet wagon, this could be the best option.

It obviously won't be for everyone, and I'm sure that there are restrictions to who can get the surgery. But on the bright side, it is reversible if it doesn't work, or if there are complications. JourneyLite even has a forum, support lines, and support groups along with plenty of information on their website to help you along.

Of course, you really should discuss a surgery of any kind with your doctor and realize that there is no easy surgery and there will be pain and adjustment.

This has been a paid post through the payperpost program.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lap Band is one of the most effective way to lose weight.Many have tried and already seen the result.