
Stephen King's new Movie: 1408

If you're anything of a Stephen King fan like I am, you sometimes look upon movies based on his books with some trepidation. There have been some truly horrible adaptations of his novels. And we won't mention all 19(exaggeration) of the "Sometimes they come back" movies.

I feel absolutely none of that with the new adaptation coming out. The 1408 Movie is based on King's short by the same name. The basic gist of the whole thing is that an Author who writes books about haunted mansions, hotels, houses, cars, and so on checks into a hotel to stay in the haunted room 1408. In true King fashion, the author soon finds out that the room really is haunted and he struggles to make it through the night.

The 1408 Movie has a pretty excellent cast. I can't help but think that with a cast like Sam Jackson and John Cusack this movie is going to be amazing. Have either of these guys ever made a bad movie? If they have, I haven't seen it.

In any case, it would have to be a pretty bad movie for it to not be better than about 75% of the Stephen King movie adaptations so far. The trailer looks pretty sweet too! The movie opens June 22nd and I just might have to make my way down to see it. Between the 1408 and the new Harry Potter movie, it could be a busy couple of months this summer. I'm going to have to go dig up my copy of 1408 and give it a reread however. It's one of the short stories in the collection of stories called "Everything is Eventual" and also in the audio collection called "Blood and Smoke."

Oh, here's the trailer for the movie:

This has been a paid post through the payperpost program.

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