
Mortgage Lowdown, a blog on Mortgages

With the huge rise in real estate and house flipping and the like, mortgage information all of a sudden was something that nobody could get enough of. Now, with the impending decline of the housing market, we still need to get our mortgage information fix. Maybe more so now than before.

So, if you're looking for info on mortgages, stop on in to the Mortgage Lowdown blog. It's a great site about mortgages and home ownership. They've been around since mid 2006 and have kept a pretty steady flow of info coming out. Their post frequency is a little low, but with such a pinpointed niche blog, it might be something that is more of a result of the niche than because of lack of ambition. In any case, what information is there is good.

Also, check out the Carnival of home improvement posts as they have some great pointers and links to even more great home information.

Design wise, there's a whole lot of text on a rather bland template. If it were me, I'd cut it back so that only about 3-5 posts show on the front page and seriously enhance my navigation with categories and popular posts. The template could use some sprucing up and as it would seem to be a blogger blog hosted on their domain, they may not have much ability to change. I know I don't here.

Overall, a pretty good blog. A good start, with potential.

This has been a paid review through the payperpost program.

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