
100,000 Beers Stolen

Two tractor-trailers carrying 70,000 cans and 44,000 bottles of Moosehead Lager were stolen. And of course, the comments on Digg are going crazy. And what do you do with 114,000 cans/bottles of beer? At 12 ounces a can or bottle, that's 1,368,000 ounces of beer. Yowsa. That could be one heck of a party. Story claims that it would take about a year to drink. Pshaw. A week to replenish the stock. Lots of thirsty Canadians this week.

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Bad Credit? Bad Credit Offers has a Loan for You!

I'm not one to tell you to go out and get a loan when you've got debt problems. I think it would be silly of you to do so. Why go further into debt when you already have problems?

If, on the other hand, you find yourself recovered from debt problems and in need of a loan, there are several places that can help you. One such place is Bad Credit Offers where you can get a few options for getting bad credit loans. I took a look at the places that are making the offers and they are really pretty reliable and have good reputations. That's good. Avoid payday loans like a bad habit.

Whatever you do, make sure to use debt responsibly. If you can keep it under control and manage your money properly, you can find yourself debt free and not needing it again anytime soon. Good luck, keep your debt and money inline and you'll get ahead. Get behind and you'll find yourself back at a bad credit loaner again in no time.

This has been a paid post through the payperpost.com program


Happy birthday to me!

Today is my birthday. The big 28. Ever closer to the 3-0 which doesn't seem nearly as old as it used to. Now it just seems kinda old. Spose that's one of those changing perspectives sort of things. I'll be off from work all day and have a nice long weekend to celebrate my oldness.


Apple fanboys get burned. Whiners.

I can't believe you honestly think you should get that extra $200 back for the iPhone. I guess you should have waited a couple of months to buy it eh? At least you get $100 back to spend on more Apple stuff... Cause that's the same as getting the cash back. Or not.

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Lapband by Journey Lite

If you are overweight, and there are a very high percentage of people that are, maybe a lapband is what will help. Lapband is essentially a weight loss surgerywhere they cut you open and put an adjustable "band" around your stomach that cuts the capacity of the stomach down. A forced diet if you will.

For some with weak wills that cannot diet on their own, or fall off of the diet wagon, this could be the best option.

It obviously won't be for everyone, and I'm sure that there are restrictions to who can get the surgery. But on the bright side, it is reversible if it doesn't work, or if there are complications. JourneyLite even has a forum, support lines, and support groups along with plenty of information on their website to help you along.

Of course, you really should discuss a surgery of any kind with your doctor and realize that there is no easy surgery and there will be pain and adjustment.

This has been a paid post through the payperpost program.

Netscape's Digg Clone Is Kaput

We’ve known about it for weeks, but now it’s confirmed: AOL has announced the end of Netscape as a social news portal.Really too bad. Was a pretty decent site even if it was never as popular as Digg is. Pretty good Traffic referrer as well. For some things anyways. Others did not do very well at all.

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September is coming!

Another summer is about to wrap up and the leaves are changing colors. Fall is here. And with it, Football. American Football to be exact. Time for the gridiron to be painted on the field and the helmets to be polished up.

Pads clashing, helmets crashing, and quarterbacks calling signals. It's all part of the sport. Ain't it great?!?