
Increase your Rankings with SearchStatus Firefox Plugin

Increasing your rankings in Alexa and Compete may be as easy as installing the SearchStatus Firefox Plugin. It reports back to Alexa and Compete so that the rankings will be affected by your browsing.

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Lego Ice Cube Tray: Geeky or Geek Chic?

If you're into Legos at all, you might think that the Lego Ice Cube Tray is Geek Chic, or you maybe just think it's too geeky... Either way, go vote for your choice.

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Rob Zombie Directs the New Halloween Movie!

There's a new Halloween the movie on it's way! And Rob Zombie is the director! I'm just guessing here, but I think this will be the best Halloween movie ever. Ok, so honestly, I'm not old enough to remember most of the movies, but I've seen a few of them and in their day, they were scary.

Rob Zombie will make them look like kiddy movies. Seriously, have you ever seen a movie by Rob? He's good at scary movies. Want more proof? Check out the trailer.

That good enough for you? Looks pretty darn good doesn't it? It would appear to be a "the beginning of" movie that portrays the very beginning of the Michael Myers saga. Really could be quite interesting. The think I really like about it is that you get to see the man behind the mask. Michael Myers becomes a little more human and maybe, just maybe, you sympathize with him just a little. Not enough to really make you like him, but to sympathize with what he went through to become what he is/was. And then Rob Zombie will scare the pants off of you!

The new Halloween the movie is coming August 31st 2007. It could be a "see it in the theater" kind of movie. I've only been to two movies in a theater this year, so that tells you what I think of the movie. The combination of what appears to be a pretty scary movie and the fact that Rob Zombie is directing it is enough to get me excited about it.

This post has been a sponsored post through the payperpost program.


Bridge Collapse In Downtown Minneapolis

According to the Minnesota Department of Transporation Web site, the Interstate 35W Mississippi River bridge in both directions has collapsed into the river. A disaster. The worst disaster in the history of the state is what they are saying.

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