
Is Microsoft subscribing to Netflix?

Microsoft announced the addition of Reed Hastings to their board of directors. Reed is the Founder and CEO of Netflix. Maybe a purchase on the horizon for MSFT?

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StatCounter Says NO to spam advertisers!

A few months back, StatCounter was approached by an advertiser, offered lots of $$$, and asked to include a spyware cookie on all member sites…they refused on the spot.It's nice to see a company like this that is one of the most popular on the net turn an offer down. I'm sure it was very lucrative as well. But this should also get them plenty of kudos around the web and plenty of new users.

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March and April 2007 PayPal coupon codes

Save a bunch with Paypal using these coupon codes! Great coupons for places like NewEgg, Petsmart, Barnes and Noble, and AllPosters

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SciFi's Battlestar Gallactica To End After Next Season?

'BATTLESTAR Galactica" may be making its final landing after next year. The creators of Sci Fi Channel's acclaimed space opera are considering ending it after its fourth season, according to studio sources....I've become a humongous BSG fan in the last several months. I went through seasons one and two in a matter of weeks and now am caught up with season three. It would be sad to see it go, but it has to end some time and the longer they drag it out, the more filler stuff they have to come up with. And some of it isn't all that great.

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American Idol's voting is flawed

Why do the better singers not make it to the final rounds? What makes it difficult for them to succeed? And why can't we vote online? How do we fix the broken American Idol voting system?

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It has Been LEGAL to Unlock Your Cell Phone Since November 2006!

The Library of Congress (who knew they were in charge of this) issued a new rule in 2006 making it legal to unlock cell phones for the "purpose of lawfully connecting to a wireless telephone communication network." Looks like using the iPhone with T-Mobile may not be a problem after all. Why haven't there been more stories about this?

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CSS-Based Navigation Menus: Modern Solutions

A pretty good article on CSS menus. It's always amazed me how so much can be done with a little bit of code and some creativity... Now I just have to find some of both...

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Great HDR photo of a Icelandic ship

Great photo of an Icelandic ship from the photographer at stuckincustoms.comThere's something about an HDR photo that I really dig.

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Wanna learn how to make money online

You've got to go check out Problogger.net! Darren has all the great information about being a problogger. And he speaks from experience too!


Green Day is coming

St. Patrick's day is right around the corner. We have one of the largest fun run events in the state here in Jamestown each year. It's always that Saturday and it basically runs from one end of town to the other with stops/checkpoints in each of the bars in town.

Most of the time, people just end up drunk as skunks, but there are a few who actually run the thing!